Blog Post 2 scene road trouble

Continuity is very important and is demonstrated very well in Spielberg’s movie Duel. I am going to use the scene called Road Trouble.

The first scene is a cut-in/ match action with a close of David at the end of the cut-in. It then cuts to a 180-degree shot with David in front to show emotions before the truck driver loses it. A few shots after this are close-ups of David’s face from the perspective of his windshield. Spielberg keeps this angle on David only zooming out a bit to not be over-saturate with the close-up.

The next big close-up is at the gas station and it’s of the truck itself. This more or less shows the difference between David and this truck driver.

The editing of the shots makes the scene seemingly continuous which is if not the best thing to make a space believable. in terms of the narrative the fact that the scenes are made to look like they are in somewhat real-time with very few jump-cuts. There are no empty frames as the audience is supposed to be with David throughout almost of the whole movie. The few cuts were to change angles and locations. The most major cut is when David is pulling into the gas station to show the calm of David’s driving and the shock of the truck driver’s driving.

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