Road Trouble Continuity.

The start of this scene sets up to the audience the line that the two characters will be on. They do this by showing in a POV shot that starts in the back of the Plymouth Valiant, that then follows up past the Valiant to the Peterbilt and then to the front of the Peterbilt truck. Showing us the audience the 180 degree line that this pseudo chase is going to be taking on. The shots that follow the Valiant as it passes makes sure to show through eye matching when we are no longer seeing the shot in a two dimensional space. It shows us the start, middle, and end of the pass by cutting between the main character driving the Valiant and where he is looking when it cuts away from him. Whenever the Peterbilt passes it is brought on the audience through surprise because how it it also a surprise to the character who was focused more on his dashboard and the road instead of the Peterbilt behind him. Once the Peterbilt passes we as the audience are given a mirrored shot from the opening to help establish the are and positioning that we are in. These sequence of shots are very useful and help make this sense easy to follow as the audience.

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