Continuity- Blog Analyzation

Hello everyone I’ll be analyzing the first fight scence in rush hour with Jackie chan.

We start with a character focus shot introducing Jackie’s innocence and ignorance. The first continuity shot is when the bartender grabs Jackie and changes to a medium shot, then to a close-up of Jackie’s surprise to emphasize it. The continuity continues as Jackie uses a bar tool to hit the bartender. It came medium shots but continues as Jackie is thrown over a pool table, another close-up to emphasize Jackie’s intention at the moment the next shot continues the continuity as Jackie defends himself with a pool ball; the scene changes shot at a fast phase to express the intensity of the scene the next shot I love as its more of Jackie’s style of directing where it a character-focused shot. However, the duration is longer to express the scene’s comedy, and we then shift focus to the bad guys as one of them is slammed into the light fixture. Although I have to note that this director uses much continuity by changing shots for every hit, this is not Jackie’s directing style. He uses a long-duration shot that emphasizes the impact of the fight scene rather than focusing on its intensity.

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