Blog Post 9/10

I find this scene super entertaining in the way it’s shot and edited. The use of short frames and zoomed in frames focusing on each issue is very well done. For example, they show the milk being empty and needing to replenish it by adding water but there’s a full bottle of vodka in the fridge showing that there is certainly an issue with priorities as far as keeping the fridge stocked with anything aside from alcohol.

They also zoom on the power box being passed around as young kids put money in the pot to pay the electricity bill leading the viewer to believe that this family struggles financially. Adding to this is the comment about the phone minutes and the way Fiona jimmy-rigged the washer so it would work.

As far as what this scene explains visually, it is a compilation of short clips to create a sense of urgency and intensity. There’s such a subtle panic that is almost palpable, this scene encapsulates the chaos that comes with the Gallagher family as a whole.

I’d say the visual anchors are the milk scene, the urgency each character is expressing, the shared phone with limited minutes and the power bill issue. Each of these scenes add to the poverty theme and give us an idea of the family structure and the usual functionality of the family as a unit.

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