Blog Post #2 – Dual Framing/Continuity

For the scene from Dual I decided to cover the framing/continuity is this scene below, the ending of the movie:

Duel (1971) ending (with roar) – YouTube

The main shots that I want to cover and break down is the first few scenes, cutting between the two cars accelerating towards each other until they crash.

Majority of the shots are comprised of close-ups or medium close-ups, focusing on the main character’s face along with his car with clashing shots of the Truck. While the shots on our protagonists are mostly level with him, the shots of the Truck are taken from a much lower angle. To show just how bigger of a threat and imposing the Truck is. It’s something to be afraid of and show how unfair of a confrontation this is.

There is also more wide shots cut between the close-ups as we get closer to the crash, showing the entire vehicles as they close in. To show their speed and direction, along that 180-degree line. With the shots closing in on the cars when they get closer, more medium close-ups and close-ups. Until they finally do crash and it cuts to a wide shot again. To really show the destruction and fireball caused by their clashing.

As the two flaming cars fly off the cliff it takes much wider shots and long shots to really show the slow chaos of it falling off the cliff. With similar shots to before to really show the destruction and brutality of the scene. Medium close-ups to show the cars breaking and bending and even full close-up shots to show specific details of things breaking.

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