Shameless Framing

What is happening visually?
Framing and editing are creating a busy, chaotic scene. Showing minor interactions like the two boys fighting over the bathroom shows that the family tries to manage with multiple people living in a single home.
How does continuity editing help narrate the family dynamics?
The continuity editing following the main character and then the behavior from the rest of the family members shows the roles they all play. Following the main character and the tasks she is doing shows that she is the main caretaker of the family. Showing the rest of the family members gathering at the dining table eating breakfast together shows there is no one else that has an equal role to the main character. Showing the box for electric bill money being passed around to all of the kids and them handing over cash with no question shows that they all have a means of making their own money and pitching in to the bills of the home.
What are the visual anchors within the chaos of movements?
The anchors in this scene changes at different points in the scene, but they are the main character, the electric bill and the milk jug. In the beginning it is the main character as we follow her as she gets ready and wakes everyone else up, as well as taking care of tasks. The electric bill money box comes from the main character and moves through the rest of the characters as well as the milk jug.

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