Blog post – Continuity Editing ( Duel 1971)


For this blog post I decide analyze the ‘Rail road crossing scene’ of Duel (1971)

Match On Action:

As the truck pushes David’s car toward the tracks the editing cuts to wide shots of the truck, car, and train, and close ups of the car being

shoved forward. These cuts match the action to create a intense sense of movement, emphasizing the danger.

Parallel action/ Crosscutting:

The scene cuts between the different threats: the truck pushing David’s car and the speeding train approaching. This use of crosscutting make for a more tense coverage of David’s situation.

Cut in:

There are Cut-in shots to show specific details, such as the trucks front bumper pushing David’s car, the TrainĀ  speeding past, or David’s hands gripping the steering wheel.


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