Compositing, Effects & AI Cinema: Lake Como Remix

The work I chose for this blog post was “Lake Como Remix”. This work comes from early versions of Google Earth and Google Street View, which were then glitched to create an otherworldly experience of the tunnels in the Lake Como District of Italy.
These glitches cause extreme distortion of your surroundings. You can go through the images presented as the world, allowing you to see beyond it, revealing dark atmospheres and strange shapes and textures. The landscape around you occasionally moves as you do, in a strange manner reminiscent of early AI videos. It gravitates in one direction, which feels incredibly strange to see considering that when you are in Google Earth the only thing “moving” should be you.
These effects challenge your views of the “world” in which these Google applications offer you. It breaks the illusion of a physical space, revealing the artificial nature of it, which at least for me proved to be a little unsettling. I assume that is at least part of the goal for this work, considering the music track that is layered over the video enhances this feeling.

I skimmed over each of the videos, and I also wanted to mention the video “Poof”. I was so surprised when I saw that it was made by AI. It looks so real, I had never seen any AI video like this. Even the different shots showcase continuity in the short film. Before seeing this, I thought AI still had a long way to go before being truly usable in professional cinema. ItĀ opened my eyes to how current AI can be seamlessly used as a tool in filmmaking, and it likely already is.

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