For this post I decided to chose the Poof AI short film. At first glance I didn’t quite know what this film was going to be about, I saw a standard office like building and didn’t think too much of it. I noticed there was very little color and the quality wasn’t great. As it transitioned to the inside of the building I got more invested, there was more color and personally whenever I am watching anything that is what catches my attention first. It then gets into the main overall topic of the film which is the characters.
This film uses muppet like characters to portray real people and what an office environment consists of. Within the film there is no talking between characters but rather they are just doing their office tasks like typing and printing. They’re facial expressions stay pretty consistent the entire time with this look of boredom and exhaustion. Towards the end they begin to explode and nothing is left but their furry bodies.
The bright colors of the characters and the bland background have a great contrast between each other making it pretty apparent that the characters are AI generated. The sound affects are also a major giveaway to the use of AI as they are exaggerated and cartoon like. Overall, there are many components that play into the AI components of this short film.