Blog Post 8

I had a challenge with this interview assignment choosing the right people for interviewing. It was hard for me  to evaluate the time someone would have for me if they could not do the interview assignment. If they did not have time to help me, it would give me less time to finish the assignment before the due date. I also was concerned about how the previous person of my choice would feel if I chose someone else as another option who had time for me. I asked my friend Nicholas Newberg if it would be ok to ask my friend Prashant Chad as another option and he said it was ok. 

I had a great experience working with my friend Prashant Chad for my interview assignment. There were alot of things that worked well when I asked him for help. He was really cooperative and he was able to make arrangements for me. I thought he could help me because he always makes arrangements for us to hang out. As I got to know him, I found out he does kickboxing and I saw that I could interview him about kickboxing. He looked really enthusiastic when I interviewed him. 

Another thing that worked well is that I was able to interview him at Washington State University since they have equipment for visual evidence. The campus had a gym with a punching bag and gloves. Since the gym had martial arts equipment, I was able to not only interview Prashant about kickboxing but also record him actually doing it for visual evidence.

Works Cited

Interview Video. Diego Silan, Premier Pro, 2024.

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