Blog Post 10/17

The filming for my interview was not what envisioned at all unfortunately. For this project I decide to record my sister and her new floristry business as she’s been excited about it and I though it would be a fun video. The major setback for this was the lighting available to me where we shot. It was incredibly gloomy outside and her lighting inside the home was extremely dim. She only has overhead lighting and it’s very orange and unflattering for any sort of filming. Im hoping through editing I can bring some light into the clips more but I am unsure of how to do that exactly so we will see once I start compiling everything.

Aside from the lighting the other aspects were okay. The questions were well though out and her answers were genuine and entertaining but she was a little unprepared so the the interview section looks a bit unprofessional. The only part I’m content with was my B-roll. I got a lot of shots of her building her bouquet, and of the materials and close ups of her hands doing the work. A possibility I might refilm what I have but we will see.

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