This is my FINAL CUT of the 1-minute-film group project “CLASS CLOWN”.
Here are a list of the changes I made from the draft to the final cut:
- Clown music (sourced from the actual windup-doll used in video) is used three times as a repeated motif. First it is the alarm sound that wakes up our protagonist. Then it is briefly stitched once she kicks the doll on the floor to imply some sort of a connection. Finally it’s used as the end for the last alarm, mirroring the start and emphasizing the “loop”.
- When the clown strikes her down, we cut to black on impact rather than after impact. This was feedback given in-class, and it makes it more realistic as its a pov-shot.
- Removed the 6:66 phone reveal at the end and the red hues. Instead we use the repeated alarm music, and have the jump-scare sfx occur once the camera pans to the clown rather than when the alarm goes off. This effectively moves the jumps-care to be on the clown’s reveal rather than a random 6:66 phone.