Here’s a redone version of continuity and framing.
Author: hbetts24
In-Class Time Manipulation
Here’s the assignment from Friday.
Continuity Assignment
Here’s the video for the continuity assignment.
Framing Assignment
Here’s the video for the framing assignment.
In-class Continuity Assignment
Here’s the in-class video.
Wonka – Screen Grab Shots
Movie: Wonka
Scene: Ending Sequence
It’s four-ish minutes since it has both the part with Noodle and her mom reuniting and the beginning of the Factory. I started grabbing shots at the 3:20 minute mark since there was more variety in shots after that.
1 & 2- Medium Shot
3- Low Medium Shot
4 & 5- Wide Angle Shot
6- Medium Shot
7 & 8- Long shot
9 & 10- Extreme Long Shot
11- Long Shot
12- Medium Long Shot
13, 14, 15- Long Shot
16- Extreme Long Shot
17- Long Shot
18- Medium Shot
19 & 20- Close-Up Shot
21 & 22- Medium Close-Up Shot
23- Low Medium Shot
24- Extreme Long Shot
25- Long Shot
There is around 5-7 different shots that I could name. The scene goes back and forth between just the characters and the surroundings/backgrounds. It’s like a showcase of what’s possible between the two characters.
The wide, long, and extreme long shots all show more of the surroundings and background as to where the characters are and what is going on around them.
The medium shots are showing more of what the character is doing in the scene instead of focusing on what is going on around them.
There are a few close-up shots that are giving more of the characters emotions and their interaction between each other. Willy and the Oompa-Loompa are in the process of creating a partnership. The low medium shot captures their shake on the deal before the extreme long shot takes us outside the factory which leads right into the closing long shot where we get the movie title.
My First Blog Post
I like this talk because it is the definition of how I feel I am.