For this final project, I would like to make another horror short similar to my group project as I think it turned out well while also still having plenty of room for improvement. This time I want to utilize the setting of my girlfriends rooftop apartment in Portland, her acting skills, some prop zombie/monster mask/gloves we have, and make a horror short.
Right now I have a rough script of what would be the introduction, a 25 second or so build-up then jump-scare. I’m confident we could get some good visuals from multiple buildings that we have roof access to, and I think this scare is pretty effective in my mind for an opener.
**FADE IN:**
The vast cityscape stretches beneath the rooftop. A gentle yet unnerving tone is struck as the city-breeze sways loose debris. Only the distant hum of city life breaks the quiet.
**ANGLE ON:** *SUMMER*, her face illuminated by the faint glow of her phone. She’s staring just above the camera, seemingly speaking to someone beside her, who’s barely audible, maybe mumbling incoherently? It’s hard to make out.
*(softly, with a touch of sadness)*
I’m just happy we get to spend this time together. I know it’s not the same… but still I’m grateful for it.
**She forces a small smile.**
**CUT TO:**
Summer holds the phone at arm’s length in a selfie position, framing herself against the nighttime skyline.
*(cheerful, with a glimmer of nervous energy)*
And up here? I dunno, I think it’s pretty cozy. Kinda romantic. Right, Jay?
**She flips the camera toward her companion—**
**JAY’S FACE** (wearing my vecna mask)
—JAY is no person. A twisted, monstrous man stares straight into her camera, unmoving. His expression is an empty, haunting *1000-yard stare*.
Summer, smiling softly, oblivious to the horror beside her. Her hand reaches out, resting on Jay’s arm.
**The camera slowly pans away from the two of them, revealing they are alone on the isolated rooftop.*
The idea here is to do a horror short based on a couple where one of them is “undead” while the other is perfectly alive and well. Again, as of current this is likely only 25-30 seconds of a short max. First I want to flesh out the opening speech so that it is longer and perhaps make it so Summer is saying things that are ironic to the fact that her partner is a zombie-like man, building up the reveal better. But beyond that, I’m still trying to think of a couple unique set-pieces or ideas I could do with this theme (undead zombie couple living in portland), I just need to anchor in on a few core concepts to build off of.