Star Wars, Everything, Everywhere, and All at Once (analysis of Star Wars Wars)

Star Wars, Everything, Everywhere, and All at Once

(An Analysis of Star Wars Wars)


I grew up watching Star Wars, and my family is a huge fan of the original and prequel trilogies. (My dad even owns a film-accurate First Order Stormtrooper suit, and is working on an Imperial Storm Trooper suit as well) So I already have an interest in  Star Wars. I’d also heard a bit about Star Wars Wars (though I forget where I heard of it)

I was not prepared for the onslaught of everything that Star Wars Wars was. I am very impressed with the layering. I can only imagine how much finagling it took to find the best blending mode for each layer.

It’s very interesting to watch different parts of each episode through the shapes and shadows of another. There’s an interesting sense of temporality, seeing everything happens at once.

It brings to mind the phrase with which they begin every episode, “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…” All these Star Wars stories take place “a long time ago” by the time we’re seeing them, we’re already far outside their time. All these event have already taken place, and we’re just watching them play out. Over and over and over again. Just as the layers of the films are placed over and over and over, the top of each other.

The effect becomes dreamlike, and really embraces the narrative of us as the viewers being completely separate from the Star Wars Universe.