Blogpost 11/8

My idea for the final video is this mockumentary of Battle Ground in the style of a David Attenborough documentary. This will showcase either the “natural landscapes” or the “wild life population.”. This will mostly likely reach about 5-6 minutes. I will be having some friends who have lived in Battle Ground help out with this so its not just my view of Battle Ground. As a note, I have lived here for about 14ish years, so I have seen it change quite a bit, so this mockumentary should be fairly satirical.

interview rough cut

My original plans of interviewing either my friend who works at an escape room or my other friend who works for the Lloyd Center ice rink fell through, so I used my sister as an interviewer since her hobby is fairly straight forward to film.

Blogpost the devils playground

The scenes that stuck out to me the most in terms of visual evidence are the baseball scenes. Since this movie talks about Rumspringa it is great to show a contrast between
This screenshot is of a shot from the scenes I am talking about. The contrast of the pickup truck and the line of women dressed in 16th century outfits.
The next scene has a convertible with a different line of women dressed in the same manner.
After that scene we have this:

no pickups or cars but the Amish standard of buggies.
All of the contrast between the “English” and the Amish is on full display in this game of baseball.

blog post 10/2

My short documentary about nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic and without going into any hospital in the area. My first thought is to either film outside of the hospital so that it is evident on the subject or to have the people being interviewed wear their scrubs and/or have a part talking about the precautions they had to take with the said nurse in full PPE gear. The story will be about the hard work that all nurses had to put in without any of the breaks and/or forgiveness that others were granted during the pandemic. As it was said in visual evidence for interviews, you have to probe for the whole truth, and with COVID-19, the truth is often tossed out or buried under personal bias. Another idea for showing visual evidence of nurses’ sacrifices during the pandemic could be a shot of the marks left behind from the PPE gear.

Blog post 9/27

For this, I chose to talk about the video that combined all 6 Star Wars movies into one. It is one of the more unique works that I have seen in a while, as it combines 6 different films from the same series to some success. I would say its use of effects is unique as it has all the special effects that make Star Wars but has every film layered over each other, running in time with each other. This also applies to sound. Traditional cinema was altered by the layering of several movies considered traditional sci-fi.