
Final Cut (final project)

For the final cut, I removed the fish and fireplace scenes and replaced it with more Christmas related cuts instead to make it more cohesive. I still added effects to transition between them smoother.

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Final Project Draft

This is a short video that focuses on transitions as well as containing a montage of photos, and using compositing effects to make transitions smoother.

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1 Min. Story Final Version

(The final version is basically the same as the draft since I wasn’t sure what else to change and edit.)

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Blog for 10/18

My experience shooting the interview went pretty smoothly. I didn’t really have any trouble shooting the A roll and the B roll evidence. The hardest thing was trying to decide how exactly I should plan the whole thing, and what order. I just shot a a bunch of B roll and plugged it into Premiere Pro and just started editing from there and cutting out the stuff I didn’t need or like.

Other minor things such as filling in parts of the video with no audio- I just grabbed other clips that contained background noise and tried to match it with the previous clip so that the video doesn’t go silent as that would feel off. I also tried balancing the left and right audio levels the best I could since certain clips had different audio levels, as well as boosting a clip’s audio so it’s not too quiet compared to the others.

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Compositing and Effects project

October 11 Blog

There are many moments in Devil’s playground that gives the audience easy visual evidence to follow, such as the scenes where Faron is spiraling down in life by taking drugs, and looking out the window thinking somebody is going to hurt him because he snitched on the drug dealer.

Another one would be the scene where Velda reads her college acceptance letter, we see her reaction and it’s obvious that she is happy that she made it. Whether these are staged or not, it still gets the point across that 1. Faron was depicted to be struggling with addiction at the time, and 2. Velda was happy to enter a new chapter in her life.

These examples are good visual evidence for giving us context and ideas about what their lives were like.

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Blog 9/27/24

I chose “Lake Como Remix”.

The world’s depicted through this video reminds me a lot of old video games from the 90’s and early to mid 2000’s visually. It uses much earlier builds of the google street view as well as google earth to get these photos. These photos were then used to create a continuous video of us travelling and navigating through Lake Como in Italy.

The way it’s constructed makes an interesting tourist video, because a good chunk of it is supposedly glitched out on purpose, and paired up with the older street view visuals, it does look like a broken glitched video game like I mentioned in the beginning. The added use of a melancholy soundtrack adds a lot to the exploration aspect of this tour, it makes it feel like something is wrong, and it’s weird seeing how empty the place is.



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Blog Post: Breakfast with the Gallaghers

This clip contains a lot of movement and energy, a lot of stuff is happening but is also quite easy to follow because it starts off with Fiona opening the fridge and grabbing the milk gallon. This milk gallon appears in the following shots as it is being passed around, and returns back to Fiona as we see her fill it up with sink water. This hints (without knowing the context and story of the show) that this family isn’t in the best financial situation, and is supported by the fact that the family is sharing money to put in a box to pay the electric bills. This box was also passed around like the milk gallon, with each character in the show saying the word electric so we can follow what is happening easier.

A lot of the framing in this scene manages to show a lot of what the background characters are doing. For example- when one of the kids throws Fiona the phone, the camera angle flips the next shot and we see her catch it, while also getting to see the others eat their cereal/do whatever they’re doing as they’re hurrying to get ready for school. So even though it was kind of a chaotic scene in the episode, the camera framing and continuity was easy to follow and understand.

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Continuity in Duel

Video clip: Road trouble

Most of the shots in this scene portray a good sense of continuity. We are almost always looking at David Mann from the right side, as if we are in the passenger seat. It makes us, the viewer, easier to keep track of where the car is going because we’re always at the same angle, and we see the trees and outside view moving past him. The only time the camera looks the other way is when David passes the psychotic truck driver and we see them fall behind us.

An example of a Match on Action Shot (I believe in this case it’s in reverse) would be the shot of the truck in the side mirror when he honks and the camera zooms out when David Mann turns around to look. Now I’m not actually 100% sure if this is a Match On Action as it’s only technically one shot that goes from zoomed in to out, but I do find it cool how this zoom out was used. The scenes after this follow the same thing I mentioned in the beginning, we’re still in the passenger seat and it helps us understand the car is moving the same direction.

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Blog Post 1

The movie I chose to analyze framing is Transformers (2007). I think there’s some cool scenes that effectively show the difference in scale between the humans and robots.


[Long Shot] ^

To open the scene, you see Optimus (the truck) drive towards the human main characters. You get a good idea of the environment and setting, as well as the time of day.

[Medium Close-up] ^

The humans curiously watch Optimus get closer.

[Medium] ^

Sam is far enough in the frame to be a Medium shot, but you also get to see Optimus get much closer to them.

[Long Shot] ^

The camera cuts back to a long shot, with all 3 characters fully in the frame.

[Medium Shot] ^

As Optimus gets close enough to stop, we obviously get to see how much bigger the truck is than them. Notice how the camera is around waist level instead of their eye level, this makes the robots look a lot taller than they already are.


[Medium Close-Up] ^

The camera is at a low angle as Optimus slowly transforms, and it progressively looks further up and in this frame you can see it with the building perspective.

[Medium Shot] ^

After being in a low angle in the last shot, we’re now in a higher angle shot which can represent Optimus’ point of view. The camera slowly rises too.


[Medium Close Up] ^

As he slowly transforms, it cuts to a high angle of Optimus. The camera descends and orbits around him to showcase all the little truck parts transforming into place. Next picture is a screenshot during this camera orbit, it’s all one shot.

[Long Shot] ^

Once the camera finishes lowering and orbiting around him, we see a long shot of the humans being surrounded by the other transformers, who also start to transform. The camera pans around them to show everything happening, and it’s fitting as the humans are also looking around wondering what’s going on.

[Medium Long Shot] ^

Optimus towers over them in another lower angle camera.

[Medium Close Up] ^

[Close Up] ^

[Close Up] ^

The closeups from both humans looking up help us visualize how tall these alien robots are. There are a lot of shots that show either a high angle view (Optimus’ view) , or a low angle view (Human’s point of view). I think the movie did a good job with these different types of angles to show height and size.

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