A very short scene of my final project. I simply wanted to put my time into an idea I had for my final version, a sort of proof of concept edit. It’s a relatively simple edit but I have never done it before and thought it would fit the overall theme of my video rather well.
So here’s a short snippet of my hand at this kind of effect.
Not finished putting it together. I will also add my own “store” music and sound effects!
The story is about a character searching for a grocery store product. The problem they are facing is that it seems no store has what they are looking for.
For my final, I decided to make a short story narrating my struggles with procrastination and getting work done on time. My rough cut has raw audio and the layout, and the final cut will have background tracks for the mood, as well as more proper effects and text. Enjoy!
For my final project, I planned to create a montage inspired by a project I completed in my art class called “Synesthesia.” In that project, we listened to various instrumental tracks featuring sounds and vocal tones but no actual lyrics and drew what we imagined or “saw” as we listened. I have not added the soundtrack that inspired this montage because I wanted to focus on getting the video as close to my original vision as possible. As I finished editing, I felt like something was missing, which led me to experiment with additional editing and effects. In my vision for this project, I imagined the video resembling an old film or VHS tape, so I did my best to replicate that aesthetic.
I really wanted to highlight my love for instructional videos, as this may be something I pursue in my future career (plus, it’s portfolio gold!). I still need to record a voiceover, add some transitions, and trim another minute from the video. When editing, I usually start with the basic information I want to include and then refine it further. My goal is to piece together the story before focusing on the finer details.
There are some lighting issues in the video that I wish I could have fixed, but I might cut that entire scene since it looks terrible. I also want to add music to make the video fun and spunky to watch. Maybe I’ll include on-screen lines to show where to sew, but I’m still figuring that out. Additionally, I’ll include timestamps to help viewers find specific parts of the video easily.
This is a short video that focuses on transitions as well as containing a montage of photos, and using compositing effects to make transitions smoother.
This is my FINAL CUT of the 1-minute-film group project “CLASS CLOWN”.
Here are a list of the changes I made from the draft to the final cut:
Clown music (sourced from the actual windup-doll used in video) is used three times as a repeated motif. First it is the alarm sound that wakes up our protagonist. Then it is briefly stitched once she kicks the doll on the floor to imply some sort of a connection. Finally it’s used as the end for the last alarm, mirroring the start and emphasizing the “loop”.
When the clown strikes her down, we cut to black on impact rather than after impact. This was feedback given in-class, and it makes it more realistic as its a pov-shot.
Removed the 6:66 phone reveal at the end and the red hues. Instead we use the repeated alarm music, and have the jump-scare sfx occur once the camera pans to the clown rather than when the alarm goes off. This effectively moves the jumps-care to be on the clown’s reveal rather than a random 6:66 phone.
This is the first “rough cut” of my final ready to share for class, though I think its pretty close to final already besides some more editing polish & feedback!
Due to scheduling conflicts and also recovering from a surgery I was unable to film all the footage I needed. So here’s the first two(ish) minutes that I mostly have footage for