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Blog post: 1 minute group project
For our one-minute video, my group and I filmed a humorous and escalating conflict between two students over shared items in a study area. We decided to use no dialogue to challenge ourselves to convey humor through facial expressions, actions, and sound effects. This restriction pushed us to be more creative with our filming, acting, and editing.
The finished product differed from our original script but turned out better than we had expected. One major change involved the final conflict. In the original script, the last item being fought over was a laptop, which would have been broken, ending the conflict with no one claiming the final item. However, during filming, we changed the order of the items being fought over, which led us to improvise a new ending.
In the end, the improvised conclusion worked surprisingly well and turned out to be a strong finish, especially considering it was a last-minute change.
One Minute Short (Rough Draft) – Jackson
One-Minute Short (Haunted VHS Tape | Rough Cut)
Planning to tighten up the edit slightly, if needed, add music, clean up sound/add SFX, and polish the VHS VFX.
Very rough cut of the 1-min video
Uncanny Drive Rough Cut Video
Group project cut
Here is my cut of the group project.
Rough Cut Group Project
Final Project Intentions
Hello everyone, for my final project, I’m planning on making a documentary-style video. It’s actually something between a documentary and a video essay. It’s about myself and a project I’ve been working on for the past couple of years. The project is called Happy Hills and it’s based on a universe my brothers and I came up with when we were kids. The story of the video essay centers around the motivations behind my interest in Happy Hills, which are all rooted in my childhood. I’ll be including footage of the making of Happy Hills as well as found footage from my childhood (which I have plenty of), and I’ll be narrating some parts of it. It will also include an interview with my brothers which is conveniently relevant to what we’ve been learning in class. I want this video to have a sentimental tone, as this is less of a story about the making of Happy Hills and more a story about why it’s being made!
-Luca Wagner
1 Minute Draft
One Minute Short Film – Super Heist
Our plan for the one minute short film is a team of four “professional” crooks working together to pull off a high-stakes heist. Each member of the team has a crucial part to play, which will be detailed in the film.
A driver, a reconnaissance master, a hacker, and a leader. Each person’s role will be detailed as their characters are introduced via montages.
They are setting up to steal a priceless painting from a renowned artist’s studio the day before it debuts.
The majority of the film will be the team going over the plan “one last time” before the mission, and the team providing concerns and rewriting the plan
Heist Rough Cut Joel
Group Story- One Minute Short
We decided to follow a drink that has an adventure with the elements before meeting up with its original owner at the end. We used a few main pathways on campus and a few side ones to get the shots of the bottle and we had some assistance from a friend from another class as one of our actors besides myself, Jeremy, and Miryssa. We also used the cafeteria as our starting place since it made the most logical sense. Everyone that was in the background of the cafeteria shots all gave permission for us to film around them too.
One Minute Short – Rough Cut
Blog Post — My Final Project Idea
Hello class!
It took me a bit to properly get around to posting my idea for the final project, but that was primarily because I had run out of ideas to implement… However, I was struck with a bit of inspiration from the last class example the professor showed us last class!
Here is how I would want the story to go: A student sits down to work on their final project for DTC 208. As they think through a concept, they manage to come up with one! And as they start filming themselves working on said idea, they only get about a day’s worth of footage due to procrastination and forgetting to keep filming. What’s worse, they used that concept idea and proved it efficient to turn in for a DIFFERENT final, and is forced to start over on the final for 208.
They repeat this process 2 more times: Get an idea, film working on it for a day, procrastinate, time passes, they use the concept for a DIFFERENT final, start over. By thanksgiving break, they’ve run out of both time and ideas, and decide to use the footage they DID get as a way to create a “video essay” surveying the life of a procrastinator during finals season.
This would serve not only as an interesting concept for a video, but it would also let me NOT procrastinate, as I’d have to film in real time and on a weekly basis in order to get the footage that I need in order to capture this idea properly!
-Jeremy Sauter