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Hailey Betts

Montage Assignment

Here’s the montage project.

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Continuity Redo

Here’s the redo for the second time but for real.

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Shameless Blog Post

I feel like the scene is showing something along the lines of organized chaos since there is so much going on at once after the shot of the note on the fridge. It has a sort of feeling that despite everything going on at the same time there is a form of synchronization between all the family members who manage to fluidly follow the previous person that was being interacted with. Visually, it looks like another day of breakfast with a seemingly too large amount of people. There’s also the details like the washer shot and the filling the milk jug so everyone has enough for their cereal.

The continuity is set up to be at the kitchen table and the areas around it which include the kitchen itself and the washing machine. It sets up how the room is laid out and helps the audience get a view of how the family lives. As said before, there is a certain amount of synchronization between everyone as they go about separate things at the table while also paying attention to each other at the same time. It’s something that likely takes practice and time to get used to. Some anchors of attention are the milk jug and the box for the electric bill payment. The milk starts out the sequence and is then followed by the box for the payment, it guides the scene along and gives something to focus on with all the chaos happening in the ‘background’.

The scene demonstrates what I feel is the peak form of multitasking, something which is fairly hard for some people to do and easier for others. I find that for myself I’m better at multitasking with certain things and not other things which has helped me figure out what works and what doesn’t. Having music in the background while doing almost anything helps me focus more on what I’m doing rather than getting distracted by other things while cleaning or working on homework. Even when I read books I’ll sometimes have music going just to block out other noise, when on long car rides or road trips and sometimes at home but more rarely.

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Duel Blog Post

The scene I picked is the train one where the truck is pushing the car closer to the oncoming train seemingly out of impatience.

The arrangement of shots makes a believable space by utilizing the cut-in/match on action form of editing in order to give context to the scene. The space seems to be large since we get all kinds of angles, low shots, backwards(in relation to the main character) shots, and close-ups of the main character while in a panic and slightly angry that the truck is trying to ram him into the moving train.

The framing focuses attention to narrative detail by switching from varying shots and angles rapidly which helps keep the tension of the moment high. Emphasizes both panic and stress from the main character as the truck pushes him closer and closer to the moving train. 

The role of sound in supporting the spatial relationships made in the cuts is done well to have the car’s struggle to resist, the truck’s roar of dominance, and the train’s clattering and clanking down the track without knowing what’s happening as it passes by. These noises come in at just the right moments with the various shot switches that occur to cause tension. Then adding the dangerous sounding music in the background adds more depth to the scene by escalating it further. 

The continuity editing of the scene builds tension through the rapid switching from shot to shot, compounded further by the use of background music to set the feeling of ‘danger’ even higher and then having the vehicle noises when they are specifically in the focus of the shot.

What narrative information is revealed and concealed in the scene through the cuts? There isn’t muh background scenery since the primary focus of the scene was the train, car, and truck. Some narrative information that is revealed is that the truck seems even more impatient than the main character and is thus pushing the car/main character towards the moving train. Something that is hidden at this point in the film is the fact that the truck was actually out to get the car/main character the whole time and just played it off numerous times before we actually see the ‘true colors’ of the truck.

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Faming Redo

Here’s a redone version of continuity and framing.

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In-Class Time Manipulation

Here’s the assignment from Friday.

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Continuity Assignment

Here’s the video for the continuity assignment.

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Framing Assignment

Here’s the video for the framing assignment.

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In-class Continuity Assignment

Here’s the in-class video.

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Wonka – Screen Grab Shots

Movie: Wonka

Scene: Ending Sequence

It’s four-ish minutes since it has both the part with Noodle and her mom reuniting and the beginning of the Factory. I started grabbing shots at the 3:20 minute mark since there was more variety in shots after that.

1 & 2- Medium Shot

3- Low Medium Shot

4 & 5- Wide Angle Shot

6- Medium Shot

7 & 8- Long shot

9 & 10- Extreme Long Shot

11- Long Shot

12- Medium Long Shot

13, 14, 15- Long Shot

16- Extreme Long Shot

17- Long Shot

18- Medium Shot

19 & 20- Close-Up Shot

21 & 22- Medium Close-Up Shot

23- Low Medium Shot

24- Extreme Long Shot

25- Long Shot

There is around 5-7 different shots that I could name. The scene goes back and forth between just the characters and the surroundings/backgrounds. It’s like a showcase of what’s possible between the two characters.

The wide, long, and extreme long shots all show more of the surroundings and background as to where the characters are and what is going on around them.

The medium shots are showing more of what the character is doing in the scene instead of focusing on what is going on around them.

There are a few close-up shots that are giving more of the characters emotions and their interaction between each other. Willy and the Oompa-Loompa are in the process of creating a partnership. The low medium shot captures their shake on the deal before the extreme long shot takes us outside the factory which leads right into the closing long shot where we get the movie title.

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My First Blog Post

I like this talk because it is the definition of how I feel I am.

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