Olivia Haskett

Blog post 10/18

For this interview assignment and as of now I plan to interview my friend who works at a bakery and just getting some information on her role there and how she got into it. This idea is not set in stone but thats what seems the most practical.

While I have not yet shot any content yet I am still in the preproduction phase where I am planning out how I am going to set it up. I’ve struggled with choosing someone to interview and trying to figure out how I would supply visual evidence, as it might be hard to get that especially going into the work environments and shooting video isn’t the easiest. Moving forward into this following week i’m hoping I can get some good content and continue to build on this assignment.

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Visual Evidence Blog: Devil’s Playground

In the film Devils Playground there are many examples of visual evidence and scenes where it is almost apparent that it is true/real. There are many scenes of parties taking place and drugs being done which just showcase the severity of the situation, and while it may or may not be exaggerated or staged I dont know but it does a good job of providing evidence to the audience that life outside of the Amish culture is vastly different. The scenes where the kids are being interviewed also portray very strong emotions in which also play a significant role in the visual evidence aspect. Those scenes are specifically important because it is in those moment where we can truly see the vulnerability and almost form a connection to the individuals in the film. These are just a few examples but there are so many others that support this as well.

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Blog Post 9/27 Compositing, Effects & AI Cinema: POOF

For this post I decided to chose the Poof AI short film. At first glance I didn’t quite know what this film was going to be about, I saw a standard  office like building and didn’t think too much of it. I noticed there was very little color and the quality wasn’t great. As it transitioned to the inside of the building I got more invested, there was more color and personally whenever I am watching anything that is what catches my attention first. It then gets into the main overall topic of the film which is the characters.

This film uses muppet like characters to portray real people and what an office environment consists of. Within the film there is no talking between characters but rather they are just doing their office tasks like typing and printing. They’re facial expressions stay pretty consistent the entire time with this look of boredom and exhaustion. Towards the end they begin to explode and nothing is left but their furry bodies.

The bright colors of the characters and the bland background have a great contrast between each other making it pretty apparent that the characters are AI generated.  The sound affects are also a major giveaway to the use of AI as they are exaggerated and cartoon like.  Overall, there are many components that play into the AI components of this short film.

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Blog Post 9/13: Breakfast with the Gallaghers

In this clip from Shameless there is a lot of movement. Doors are a big focus changer throughout. In the beginning it will go from one character to another and then later on on they are using the fridge to emphasize important details such as the electricity bill being due. The clip is essentially trying to get across the idea that this family is clearly struggling and having to be creative to survive. Visual anchors would include the milk carton, cell phone etc.. each of these elements helps maintain the focus while still being able to move smoothly and continuously throughout the scene. In one part we can see a chair very faintly in the corner and then we later see it being used to hold the washing machine shut. Props are essentially keeping the flow. At the end each child leaves separately one by one causing the mom to look a sense of exhaustion and despair.

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Continuity in Duel

Duel, by Steven Spielberg

Clip: Road trouble

There is quite a lot of continuity within this particular clip from Duel. Many of which contain shots that are critical to telling the story and getting the point across. It starts out with a view from the back of the car (along the 180 degree line) where we can see him following the large truck and then proceeds to move around creating a sense of motion and helps with the fluidity of the scene. We then can see many various cut in shots of the exterior as well as the interior of the vehicle. This allows to highlight something important, such as a close-up that draws attention to a specific detail. Overall, these are just a few examples of the many clips in the film Duel that include and use continuity. Continuity helps create a realistic and immersive story that essentially keeps the viewer engaged!

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I chose this film because it is one of my all time favorites and provides various kinds of shots.

Full clip: https://youtu.be/31N_HM2f9Ks?si=7SuX8FHwMkCSlmHk

Extreme long shot

Medium long shot

Medium close up

Medium close up

Medium close up

Medium close up

Medium long shot

Medium long shot

Medium long shot

Medium long shot

Medium long shot

Medium long shot


Close up

Close up

Extreme long shot

These are many of the shots because the director was trying to provoke emotion and enhance how the characters were truly feeling in the moment. This part in particular is one of the films more heart felt scenes which explains the many close up shots. Overall, the director makes it a priority to focus on the emotion being conveyed to the audience so that the emotion can be felt at a more powerful level.

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My first blog post!

Welcome to my blog!!!

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