To Do This Week
DUE: Profile Final Cut
No blog post this week, other than the profiles
In Class
watch Job Profiles – rough and final cuts
One-minute stories
Discuss/Plan One-minute stories
One-minute shorts
Brainstorming Ideas
Scripts, Shot-lists and Storyboards – Story Structure
Google Docs and Screenplay Formatter Add-on.
storyboard templates
storyboard examples
One Minute Short (20%)
This project will involve small groups of 3-4 students that collectively write, storyboard, shoot and edit a short fictional video. You can decide as a group how you each contribute, but everyone must contribute and post to the blog their own edited one-minute video and a their original script (link to a google doc).
Step1: Discuss as a group ideas for a short:
- Discuss resources, props and locations that may help with ideas. Decide on one story idea -ideally one with a twist.
- Decide how each student in the group will contribute. Share the tasks. Contributions to the production can include writing, storyboarding, performing, videography, sound recording and special effects.
- Each student in the group writes a short 1-2 page script and storyboard based on the one story idea using screenplay formatting in Google Docs with the Screenplay Formatter Add-on.
- Keep dialogue to a minimum. One page is usually considered one minute, but it depends on how much description you include.
- The group then reads each script/storyboard and collectively decides on one synthesized script/storyboard. This discussion can be done on Zoom or in a Slack group.The writing of the final script and drawing of the final storyboard can be assigned to one student, but always with approval of the final version by the group. Always try to get consensus. It is possible to approve more than 1 storyboard, as variations, and shoot more variety on locations.
- You are allowed to integrate AI in any way you want, as long as you have at least 60% live action shooting.
Step 2: With script and storyboard, plan the production:
- Come up a visual storytelling style for the short. What are the lighting, the costumes and the effects involved.
- Organize locations, props and performers.
- You can assign roles as cameraperson, director, sound recorder, etc. Or you can discuss as a group how to try out a variety of ideas, shot takes, angles and switch around roles.
- Set times to meet for production.
- Be efficient with time and people.
Step 4:
- Each student edits video, music, sound and credits for their own version of the group story.
- Upload your Rough Cut to Youtube or Vimeo and make a blog post of the video rough cut along with an uploaded PDF of your own original script and storyboard.
- Get feedback of your one-minute short in the class and then submit as a post the Final Cut.