Scripting and Storyboarding (October 25)

To Do This Week

DUE: Profile Final Cut

No blog post this week, other than the profiles

In Class

watch Job Profiles – rough and final cuts

One-minute stories


Discuss/Plan One-minute stories


One-minute shorts 




Brainstorming Ideas

Scripts, Shot-lists and Storyboards – Story Structure

Google Docs and Screenplay Formatter Add-on.

Good Will Hunting
The Sixth Sense

storyboard templates
storyboard examples

One Minute Short (20%)

This project will involve small groups that collectively write, storyboard, shoot and edit a short fictional video. You can decide as a group how you each contribute, but everyone must contribute and post to the blog an edited one-minute video and a script. Keep dialogue to a minimum.

week 1:  Discuss ideas for a short. Discuss resources of props and locations that may help with ideas. Decide on one idea. Each student in the group then writes a short 1-2 page script based on this one idea. The group then reads each script from the group and collectively come up with one synthesized script using Google Docs and Screenplay Formatter Add-on.

week 2 : Translate the script into one storyboard and shot list. Also plan the production: find locations, props and performers, find a visual storytelling style for the short.  Set a time for production.

week 3 : Each student edits video and sound for their own version of the group story. Add music and credits. Show your one-minute film to the class.


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