For my final project, I plan on creating a job profile for my friend who does structural welding on tug boats. The job itself is very interesting and is something not a lot of people see or know about. To complete my rough cut by the last class, I plan on recording my B roll footage as soon as possible, so I have time to compile it into a cohesive sequence of visual evidence. I should be able to film everything in one night, but I need to get permission to film, as the job is not in the most safe environment a lot of the time. I plan on getting permission by Thanksgiving break.
Continuity Project – Scott Daron
Final Project Purposely
For my final project, I got most of my inspiration from a previous students work we have watched in class. The one about one’s own struggles with motivation and inspiration, as I suffer from the same problems. So I thought I would like to take my own spin on this and cover what that struggle is like with me.
I want to make it feel more cinematic and like a sense of self discovery. I have come up with some scripts and screenplays, with the help of ChatGPT, and so far it is looking promising. It is a sort of personal experience I want to tell.
I can post or share my notes I have so far later if anyone is interested in what I’m planning.
Blog post : Group script/planning
For the 1-minute video, my group came up with School Rivalry, a humorous and escalating conflict between two students over shared items in a study area. Starting with small acts of borrowing each other’s belongings a pencil, notebook, bottle, and charger with their rivalry growing more intense. Finally, they clash over a laptop, resulting in an unintended mishap that leaves both of them stunned. The scene highlights the absurdity of their petty competition with a comical yet unexpected outcome. Our original plan was to create an office-themed video with three office workers and a similar conflict, but after receiving feedback, we realized that fully capturing the environment of an office would be too difficult to set up.
For this short video we don’t need much except for a spot to film. We have all the items needed for filming. Right now all we need now is to work on a story board, screen play, and finalized plans.
Final Project Description/Script Idea
For this final project, I would like to make another horror short similar to my group project as I think it turned out well while also still having plenty of room for improvement. This time I want to utilize the setting of my girlfriends rooftop apartment in Portland, her acting skills, some prop zombie/monster mask/gloves we have, and make a horror short.
Right now I have a rough script of what would be the introduction, a 25 second or so build-up then jump-scare. I’m confident we could get some good visuals from multiple buildings that we have roof access to, and I think this scare is pretty effective in my mind for an opener.
**FADE IN:**
The vast cityscape stretches beneath the rooftop. A gentle yet unnerving tone is struck as the city-breeze sways loose debris. Only the distant hum of city life breaks the quiet.
**ANGLE ON:** *SUMMER*, her face illuminated by the faint glow of her phone. She’s staring just above the camera, seemingly speaking to someone beside her, who’s barely audible, maybe mumbling incoherently? It’s hard to make out.
*(softly, with a touch of sadness)*
I’m just happy we get to spend this time together. I know it’s not the same… but still I’m grateful for it.
**She forces a small smile.**
**CUT TO:**
Summer holds the phone at arm’s length in a selfie position, framing herself against the nighttime skyline.
*(cheerful, with a glimmer of nervous energy)*
And up here? I dunno, I think it’s pretty cozy. Kinda romantic. Right, Jay?
**She flips the camera toward her companion—**
**JAY’S FACE** (wearing my vecna mask)
—JAY is no person. A twisted, monstrous man stares straight into her camera, unmoving. His expression is an empty, haunting *1000-yard stare*.
Summer, smiling softly, oblivious to the horror beside her. Her hand reaches out, resting on Jay’s arm.
**The camera slowly pans away from the two of them, revealing they are alone on the isolated rooftop.*
The idea here is to do a horror short based on a couple where one of them is “undead” while the other is perfectly alive and well. Again, as of current this is likely only 25-30 seconds of a short max. First I want to flesh out the opening speech so that it is longer and perhaps make it so Summer is saying things that are ironic to the fact that her partner is a zombie-like man, building up the reveal better. But beyond that, I’m still trying to think of a couple unique set-pieces or ideas I could do with this theme (undead zombie couple living in portland), I just need to anchor in on a few core concepts to build off of.
Interview – Jackson Lester
Sorry for this being submitted so late
Blog Post #10 (WK12) – One Minute Films
BLOG: Make a blog post describing your final project idea and your plan for completing a rough cut by the last class.
Our group met on Thursday, 11/7/24, and decided to film our ‘water bottle fiasco.’ We took the professor’s advice to make the storyline more engaging by adding more characters who misplace the water bottle. Jeremy took the lead on storyboarding, ensuring continuity and refining the final details. I sketched a quick storyboard to map out the shots we needed. During filming, Jeremy directed since he knew the script inside and out, while Hailey and I took turns recording. It turned out to be a really fun project!
Now, each of us will edit the footage in our own style. I’ve shared all the necessary files over Slack, and I’m excited to see everyone’s unique take on the same footage. I’d love to make a bloopers reel as well, but with so many projects on my plate, it might have to wait.
Storyboard Sketch/Scan:
Final Script:
Final Interview Project
[1-MINUTE-FILMS] “Class Clown” Rough Cut #1
Video Description
For my group’s one-minute video, we decided to create a short centering around the planning of a group heist operation. While the entire story is based on the planning part, for the sake of keeping things interesting we plan to do cutaways of the plan actually being executed while it is being discussed. Then, in the middle of these cutaways, members of the group will speak up with other possible obstacles they might have to deal with, which will then prompt another cutaway slightly different from the last. To give an example, we have an entire cutaway of the full plan, but then a group member suggests the possibility of a guard being outside the building. Then we go over the same plan and do the same cutaway, but this time it would include how we would deal with that obstacle. We hope it will come across slightly comedic while also keeping an overall serious tone.
To do this, we only need a couple things, such as a dimly lit empty room for filming the actual planning bits as well as a room to “break into”. There are mostly smaller things we will need, such as an object to “steal”, a keycard (cougar card) to use to “break in”, and an additional person to act as a guard. For the shots in the planning room, we may also need extra lighting to help make things seem more dramatic. With these things we should be able to shoot our one-minute video without issue.
Rough Cut – Group Project
Music by –
Interview (rough)
B-Roll is incomplete.
Topic for Final Project
Hey everyone,
For my final project, I plan on creating a short film that deals with time traveling. I’d love to incorporate a looping aspect to this short that change as the story continues. The story follows the main character who discovers how to travel through time after a day’s strange events. It turns out that what happened during the day was caused by the main character after they traveled into the past to help themselves that day. It’s a big undertaking story wise, but would be very easy and accessible to shoot for a 2-5 minute short film. I feel that this topic would be a great balance of challenge and achievability. I would include no more than three people in this project if there’s a need for more than the main character, which I have not yet determined. The plot would go as follows:
Character goes through their day and experiences weird events that help them out.
Character stumbles onto a time travel device with their name on a note next to it.
Character goes back and forth in time, then to the future where they met future them. Evil or wise, not sure yet.
Future self tells them to save their past self to continue the cycle.
Goes back and sees that they were the one helping their past self at the beginning.
Cycle continues.
I need to flesh out the story quite a bit more and ensure it makes sense story wise and for how the scenes would be put together. Overall, I’m excited how this project will turn out!
Post 11/8
My final video idea is a combination of documentary / ‘making of’ film and a fictional concept.
Beginning: At the start, the video would resemble a crafting / ‘making of’ style documentary of a creator crafting a doll. It would follow the steps of creation (not closely, but document the process), until the conception of the doll.
Middle: The video takes a fictional documentary turn, as it follows the creator and the doll living life together. This would most likely be a montage portion showing the depth of friendship between the two.
In the final montage scene, the creator drops the doll in mud, ruining it (?). The scene is held in dramatic fashion for a moment.
End: The video returns to the creator, pacing anxiously around their home in. They begin crafting another doll. This is a repeat of sorts of the first time, sped up and slightly varied to show the change in emotion. This doll is complete, different than the first. The creator hands Doll 2 a bucket and towel, and Doll 2 cleans Doll 1 for them, and all is well.
Blogpost 11/8
My idea for the final video is this mockumentary of Battle Ground in the style of a David Attenborough documentary. This will showcase either the “natural landscapes” or the “wild life population.”. This will mostly likely reach about 5-6 minutes. I will be having some friends who have lived in Battle Ground help out with this so its not just my view of Battle Ground. As a note, I have lived here for about 14ish years, so I have seen it change quite a bit, so this mockumentary should be fairly satirical.