My final video project is going to be a dream sequence. I start off the video with myself mourning for a friend who died before the dream. As I go to sleep, the next morning I wake up to open the door. The door ends up leading to somewhere else outside of my house. When the door leads to somewhere else, that is where the dream is exposed. I am exploring the area wondering what is going on. I eventually encounter the same friend I mourned for. As we see each other, we become happy and run to each other to hug. We just hang around and play sports and laugh. After hanging out and laughing, the dream ends with him giving me a paper. As I wake up, I see that the paper he gave me was in my pocket. I end up opening it and it is a letter about the times he had with me on earth. It even said that he could not write this to me before he died because he died too soon.
My plan for the rough cut should start with me in my room at home mourning for my friend who passed away. I could also get a black and white photo of him on my computer which demonstrates the fact that his time has passed. A video of myself falling asleep is needed to start the story of where the dream begins. As the dream starts, it could be me waking up from bed and then opening my bedroom door leading to somewhere else. I will use the campus to demonstrate that my bedroom door led to somewhere else. As I get a video of myself opening the bedroom door, I will also get a continuity shot of myself entering the campus or opening the door leading to outside of the campus building.