Course Research Goals: How Arts, Computer Science, and AI Intertwine




The main outcome I want to get out of this class is a solid standing on what AI can do in relation to the Arts and Computer Science. I want to be educated about AI and its integration into into this world. I also want a clear understanding of modern capabilities, so I can make sure to take advantage of the tools I have available to me. In conjunction with this, I want an understanding of possible dangers and the ethical dilemmas associated with using these types of tools and to make sure I move forward in my work ethically and wisely.

My research goals are centered around a deep and comprehensive exploration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in various creative fields. I aim to understand how AI can be applied innovatively in writing, image generation, cinema, music, coding, game development, and generative art. This course presents a unique opportunity to investigate the intersection of AI with artistic creativity, and I intend to delve into the programming aspects of AI in the arts, its influential role in design, and the complex philosophical questions that arise at this intersection.

AI in Programming Arts and Design

One of my primary research goals is to understand AI’s role in the programming arts and its impact on design, especially in web and software design. I aim to explore how AI algorithms can enhance user experiences in web design and aid in creating more efficient and creative software design processes. Additionally, I plan to investigate AI’s application in the fine arts, examining how AI-generated artworks challenge our traditional notions of creativity and authorship.

Philosophical Exploration: Sentience, Intelligence, and Artistic Ability

A significant aspect of my research will focus on the philosophical implications of AI in the arts. I am particularly interested in exploring concepts of sentience and intelligence in relation to AI’s artistic capabilities. My goal is to understand whether AI can truly possess creativity, or if its artistic outputs are merely reflections of learned data patterns. This exploration will also delve into the nature of artistic ability and whether it can be attributed to non-sentient entities like AI.

Goals for Integrating AI in Artistic Workflows and Education

Integrating AI into traditional artistic workflows is another area I aim to explore. I plan to investigate how AI tools can augment the creative capabilities of artists, allowing them to push the boundaries of their traditional mediums. In the context of education, one of my goals is to understand how principles of computer science and AI can be effectively integrated into arts and humanities curricula, fostering a new generation of artists who are adept at navigating the intersection of art and technology.

Navigating Ethical Implications and Future Trends

Ethical considerations in the use of AI in the arts form a crucial part of my research goals. I intend to study the ethical implications surrounding data privacy, bias in AI algorithms, and the impact of AI on employment in creative sectors. Additionally, I am eager to explore the future trends in AI within the arts, anticipating innovative forms of AI-driven artistic expression and understanding the balance required between technological advancement and artistic integrity.


Through my participation in “DTC 338: AI in the Arts,” my goal is to gain a comprehensive understanding of AI’s role in the arts. I aim to explore the technical, creative, and ethical dimensions of this intersection, equipping myself with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to and navigate the evolving landscape of AI in creative industries. This course will provide the foundation for my research, and I am excited to explore the myriad possibilities that AI brings to the world of art and creativity.

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