The Tale of Omega Team

What is missing in the Omega Team scenario?

What I think is missing in the Omega Team scenario is the end goal of all of this work by the Omegas. What plan did they have after essentially conquering the world? It also makes me wonder if this Omega team went into the project with good morals and ethics, or if their plan all along was world domination and control of society. It is also missing anybody asking questions about their organization or looking further into Omega and its companies. If there was somebody or a group of people or even a government, what was their plan to stop them? Would Prometheus instruct them on how to essentially get rid of their problem, and would it be violent? I also think that human control over the A.I. was missing. Instead, it felt like Prometheus was running the Omegas, and not the other way around.

What went wrong? 

I think one thing that went wrong, and I mentioned this earlier, was that Prometheus ended up running the Omegas, and I think that was by mistake from the Omega team. It seemed like the Omegas got too comfortable with how Prometheus was providing everything for them, and in my opinion, it eventually took over, just like it took over society. 

What do we need to do to avoid the undesirable outcomes and maximize potential desirable outcomes?

The thought is nice of a utopian world, where social services are providing for the community, and equal access to healthcare, education and a world without conflict exist, but at what cost? I think that the undesirable outcome that may lead to a dystopian world through this scenario is that the world is being run like a simulation or a computer program. Controlled by an all-knowing computer and a small team of minions that completes the tasks that Prometheus has given them. There is an extreme human disconnect from what ends up running the world and the people that have to live in it. I think one way to maximize the desirable outcomes would be to make the A.I. work for you and not the other way around.

Made with Midjourney – Prompt – illustrate a futuristic A.I. computer that lives in a server room that takes over a team of developers and eventually the world.

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