The Tale of the Omega Team

In the reading ‘Omega Team Scenario,’ I noticed that there seemed to be a disconnect from Prometheus and the public. All I saw was the need to create and conquer a society. It is almost scary, reading about the dystopian futures of the Omega Team’s creation and intention. It seemed like AI is getting more intelligent and having humanlike qualities, this makes humans more dependable on it. AI has the ability to manipulate algorithms which can in turn sway public opinion and views on a matter. AI can cause loss of jobs and a feeling of ‘being watched’ by the state.

In the reading, we learnt that Prometheus could obtain all the web’s data on people’s preferences, it would know exactly what each category of gamer liked and could develop a superhuman ability to optimize a game for sales revenue.

It seemed like AI is very much in competition thus, making services much more affordable, cheap, and fast. This can be part of the Utopian futures of AI including a lot more like creativity enhancement, contributing towards medical research, improvement of healthcare and sciences just to name a few.

Although AI can have its advantages and disadvantages, we must ensure that it has rules and regulations and ethics to work around it. These ethics can guide the way we can safely use AI without harming humanity. It is a good thing that lawmakers are looking into creating laws to protect humanity from the dangers in AI. Just this evening I saw in the news that guidelines and laws are being created when it comes to AI especially deepfake so humanity can safely enjoy the advantages of AI while minimizing the dangers AI presents.


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