Research Statement

 A personal Journey into AI, film and writing

 Abstract: In this paper, I will delve into the unification and association of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the realms of creative writing and film. My focus is to uncover how AI can be just more than a tool but a collaborator in my creative process. My journey with AI will intentionally discover the many possibilities of AI and finding a balance through it all by not allowing AI to do majority of the thinking for me. Throughout this journey, AI will be my ally as I discover the many ways, I can use it responsibly but keeping in mind that it does not come without its faults. My research in this class will emphasize how humans interact with AI and how they obtain the desired results they seek, how we engage with professionals who are AI experts and how we can all experiment with it safely and responsibly.

Personal Background: My unique curiosity for Art, creative writing, film started decades ago when I used to write and create art for fun. This curiosity led me to this exceptional venture with AI. As the times are changing, we must change and adapt with it. Similar to how social media reshaped our personal connections, with the world and our dealings, I believe AI has the power to transform creative storytelling in film, creative writing, and coding. This research is a natural sequence of my quest to understand how technology can coexist and harmonize with and enhance human artistic expression without replacing it.

The Objectives of my research paper will be mainly focusing on these five points below.

Exploring AI in Creativity: I will explore and Investigate AI’s role in producing narratives and visual storytelling.

Ethical Reflections: This research paper will help me Imagine and anticipate the implication of AI in creativity, paying attention to originality and authorship.

Impact on Creative process: This paper will assist me in understanding how AI interferes with the Artists creativity and creative processes.

Developing AI Frameworks: It will help me create AI tools that would enhance human creativity rather than replace it.

Enjoyable: Most importantly, it will support my findings on how humans enjoy and revel in the results of their creativity and the endless possibilities they can discover with AI.

The significance:

The significance of my research will illuminate the role of AI in creative industries and highlight the fact that AI is interlinked in almost everything we do.

Embarking on this research is an exciting and new thing, much like when I first chanced upon social media and had a feeling that the possibilities with it was going to be limitless.

We should fully well know that there could be some ethical boundaries that are bound to be crossed with AI and it is our role as humans to identify them. If we do that, we erase the chance of AI fully doing the thinking for us and controlling the narrative. When we assume this role, AI becomes a tool in our creativity and not a master who dictates its servants.

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