Amerika’s Approach to AI Integration

Blog Prompt: Mark Amerika is a digital remix artist. What is your response to this kind of experimental writing with AI tools? How does Amerika understand the creative relationship with a GPT for creative writing or any kind of creative work?

I’m not going to lie; this is somewhat scary. To be so emphatic about merging yourself with an AI is pretty challenging to many notions about what it means to be human and to create.
But in another sense, we sort of do this with computers anyway. AI is just a new tool, like Photoshop once was.
The possibilitiesĀ areĀ exciting. The speed and capabilities of AI are some of its biggest selling points.
Where Amerika is pushing the boundaries is the closeness and almost intimacy with AI, which he seems to treat as an equal. This is again challenging.
But this call-and-response remix dialogue is very interesting.
His addition of the writings of an author brings up the usual questions of ethics and usage.
Is it wrong to do so? To add in the writings of an author and essentially have this AI roleplay her?
Does it become like the movieĀ Her?
Amerika is pushing boundaries, but the results are interesting.
I don’t quite get the NFT additions to the packaging of his work, but he’s doing something that no one else is.
I would be curious to see his work take a more approachable shape.

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