Blog 2 Mark Amerika and creative writing

What is your response to this kind of experimental writing with AI tools?

I find using Ai tools for experimental writing is an interesting topic. When using Ai tools you can’t simply copy whatever the Ai gives you. That’s cheating. You can however, use Ai tools to help generate new and creative ideas. Human thoughts and ideas are so limited and writer’s block and occur so easily. With so many different strategies and techniques that have been developed for creative writing it was inevitable that Ai would be included. I find it exciting to see what kind of films or stories that will be produced with the help of Ai, human kind may create something that would have never exist without the help of Ai. Ai can’t do it alone, like in the video “Sunspring” we watched in class about the Ai who wrote a screen play, it needs a human touch. 

How does Amerika understand the creative relationship with a GPT for creative writing or any kind of creative work?

When using Ai Amerika has a unique approach. He has in the past copied and pasted bits and pieces from Ai which is basically editing. But he also remixes and and finish what his GPT produces. When adding his own writing his goal is to “Lose consciousness” creating a hybrid mind that is both his writing and the writing of the Ai. 

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