Mark Amerika, AI, and Digital Remix

Mark Amerika’s writing works, created with the help of artificial intelligence tools, are very interesting. They seem to give us a glimpse into what the future of artificial intelligence and art combined will look like in some capacity. While I’m not a creative writer myself, I can still appreciate his contributions to the digital remix space and art as a whole. His thoughts and creative processes, when verbalized or put into text form, are encouraging for someone like myself. They challenge one to look past any superficial assumptions and biases towards AI and look deeper into how it can be used to help with creativity.

Amerika seems to view creative relationships with GPTs as not just a collaborative experience but also as an extension of the self in some ways. He mentions often in “My Life as an Artificial Creative Intelligence: An Interview with Mark Amerika” how he encouraged himself to enter what myself and others consider to be a “flow-like” state, essentially allowing for his subconscious mind and body to take over while creating. Doing this and training his GPTs passively and intentionally with his previous works blurs the line between himself and the AI, causing it to merge with him and vice versa.

Clearly, Mark Amerika is a pioneer in different artistic spaces, including creative writing and digital remixing. He has a positive and optimistic view on artificial intelligence that many artists (including myself) have often been skeptical of. Reading through his interview and viewing some of his creative works that were created with the help of AI has pushed me to try and understand this optimism. I now wonder what I’ve been potentially missing out on creatively due to my biases. Hopefully, the creation and use of my research GPT will steer me in a similar direction.

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