Blog #3 Ai Art

In my life I have produced art and I have seen a lot of art. Some of it I understood, some of it I didn’t, and sometimes I had no idea what I was looking at. I have never had any strong feelings about art. I’ll look at a painting and think, “That’s neat” and then move on. I don’t really have any concerns about Ai in the visual arts. As a tool AI can bring interesting concepts that human’s can only dream of.

I do think that it is important to have a human hand involved in any art. I don’t literally mean a human hand, because animals can create art as well. I mean there needs to be a drive to create art. When AI tools create “art” they don’t do it to make “art” they do it because it was prompted. There has to be an artistic approach.

If an AI with self awareness and consciousness makes art, that’s fine, but if someone uses AI tools to create art and has no input or effort in it then that art is not theirs to claim.

What can artists/creators do with AI tools to address or respond to these personal and collective concerns about machine creativity?

I suppose the only way artist can respond to concerns about machine creativity is to show their creative process. Prove that its not just the machine at work, show them that there is more at play.

This controversy reminds me of a scene from I Robot.


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