Writing Exercise: short fiction, poem, and other

This blog post may not be readable, I will present three writing versions in this post.

My initial idea was to create a story that blends fiction and reality, mixing and matching writing skills as the story unfolds. I aimed to establish an illusory story framework through which I could metaphorically explore human nature and the complexities of real life. With this goal in mind, I began by generating random ideas about mundane aspects of life and some that could not possibly exist. From these ideas, I sketched out a rough outline of the story: The main characters are Mia, a student, and a comic book hero. One day, they magically switch roles—Mia becomes a comic book character and rewrites the final story of the comic, while the hero of the comic becomes Mia and must adapt to her environment.

As they face unique challenges, they discover the transformative power of empathy and the profound impact of their actions on both worlds.

After completing the initial story, I experimented with different writing techniques (Cut-Up Technique, Exquisite Corpse, and N+7) in four rounds of revisions. The final result was a 5-paragraph poem that condensed a short fiction into a poetic format, blending elements of the magical and the mundane. The inclusion of strange words in the poem allowed for greater imaginative exploration.

Poem: Whirlwind Subsides, New Horizons 

In the mitten of a clairvoyance squall,
Mia stands, a wildflower in bloom.
Buildings twist, the sky a canvas,
A city unseen, a whispered room.

Mr. Hubble’s Boutique, a skateboard away,
Nestled between dreams and the day.
Books whisper of worlds, in silent chatter,
A skip from the scorecard, where stories matter.

Island 17, parchment in hand,
An instrument of fate, not just sand.
Mysterious margins call to the brave,
“Change the story,” they crave.

A bustling clairvoyance, alive and keen,
Where creatures float, and buildings lean.
Mia’s shadow gestures, a guide so slight,
Towards adventures bold, into the night.

The weave of existence, a mosaic unfurled,
From actions small, and bravery won.
In Mr. Hubble’s realm, where tales are spun,
Within us all, lies a hero, undone.

Short fiction:
The Hero Within

Mia’s afternoons were never complete without a visit to Mr. Hubble’s Bookstore, a comic book store nestled a stone’s throw from her elementary school. The store, with its promise of countless adventures, beckoned to her insatiable curiosity. One particular afternoon, guided by an unseen force, Mia’s fingers brushed against the spine of a comic book that seemed to pulsate with life.

“This one’s special,” Mr. Hubble remarked, catching Mia’s attention. “It’s almost like it chooses its reader.”

Drawn to a world of vivid illustrations, Mia found an unexpected connection with the comic’s valiant protagonist. But it was a cryptic inscription on issue 17 that ensnared her completely: “To those who dare to dream and cross the line between worlds.”

With the utterance of those words, reality swirled into a kaleidoscope of colors, and Mia was transported into the heart of the comic book city. Gazing at her reflection in a store window, she no longer saw the schoolgirl but the hero, clad in a sleek outfit, a note in her pocket echoing the call to adventure.

Meanwhile, a peculiar morning greeted the comic’s male lead, now navigating life in Mia’s world. School, with its mundane routines, offered him a new battlefield. He faced bullies with wisdom, and fostered unity with empathy, his heroic essence infusing Mia’s everyday world with subtle yet profound changes.

In the comic world, Mia wielded her knowledge of the narrative as her power, striving to alter the story for peace. Her resolve sparked a mirror effect, inspiring acts of kindness and cooperation among her schoolmates, as if the two worlds were connected by the very essence of her actions.

The climax of Mia’s journey pitted her against the ultimate villain, where her strategy of understanding and unity prevailed, breaking the enchantment and returning her to Mr. Hubble’s Bookstore. The comic book’s pages now bore witness to her adventure, the hero restored to his realm, but changed.

Mia’s world, too, felt different. The bookstore, once a gateway to fantasy, now stood as a testament to the impact of her journey. Stories, she realized, were more than escapism; they were blueprints for reality, capable of inspiring change and fostering connections across any divide.


By the way, when I finally re-edited the story in Exercices de Style, the GPT provided a writing style telegram that I’ve never seen before. I think it’s interesting, it might be useful in my future work.

Experimental Style: Telegrams

Mia to Mr. Hubble
Discovered comics vibrating with life. Pulled into its world. Became the hero. Adventure awaits.

Mr. Hubble to Mia
Comics chosen wisely. Remember, stories shape us. Your journey begins now. Good luck.

Comic Hero to Mia
New world, school life challenging. Using wisdom for good. Your world is intriguing, full of lessons.

Mia to Comic Hero
Navigating comic city. Using narrative knowledge. Aiming for peace. Our worlds intertwined.

Mia to Reality
Final battle against the villain. Strategy of unity prevails. Spell broken. Returned to the bookstore.

Mr. Hubble to Mia
Welcome back, hero. Your story is now part of the comic. Realms changed by your journey.

Mia to World
Stories are bridges. Between fantasy and reality. Change is possible. Inspired by imagination.

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