Nocturne Explored

My inspiration is a space colony on a hostile planet named Nocturne, ChatGPT and I created this week and last. I chose to create creatures that would live on the world that I expanded upon in the worldbuilding assignment. I wanted these creatures to be a mix of modified Earth creatures at first but went a bit crazier with each one. I worked between ChatGPT and Midjourney, using Chat to generate a few examples of alien creatures modeled after my first few creations and used its descriptions to generate them in Midjourney. I found that Midjourney will straight up put in creatures you mention in your descriptions that are like, “cross between a bear and a butterfly” as well as try to make what you describe. So I ended up with glowing butterflies in all the images of my Lumibears. I also discovered Midjourney is very good at making cats, which for once wasn’t helpful since I was trying to make fantastical creatures.


Nocturne Explored

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