Blog #4 World Building

How would you go about creating a visual and text presentation of a fictional world using AI tools? What steps would you take? What are some themes and ideas you want explore in your world? 

With AI tools world building can become a more efficient process. Personally I would start with brainstorming. What do I want my world to look like? Is it on a planet? A ship? In the middle of the sea? Inside a giant whale? Next I would think about what inhabits the scene. Plants? Animals? Robots? Humans? Aliens? If I can’t think of anything I can use Chat GPT to help generate ideas, like how we did it in class we can created a short story with 3 words. Once I have a general mental image of the world I want to create I can use other GPT to better develop my world. I think that it is best to have a story in mind before creating the world around it. Once you have your story you can build the environment. Where does the story take place? Where are the characters going? What kind of people will they meet? I can then use AI to help me create towns and cities with lore and societies. I can make geographical areas like mountains and lakes. Maybe there is a giant bottomless pit somewhere. Why is there a giant bottomless pit? Give it lore. Next I can do langue and technology. Is it sci-fi and super futuristic? Or is there magic?

In my world building I want to explore and experiment with magic, mythical beast, and monsters. With AI I can create things that don’t exists.

Imagine a whimsical mythical beast, akin to a jellyfish, with a gooey, translucent body in a vivid purple hue, floating effortlessly through the air. Its bell-like structure, adorned with a charming smiley face, now encapsulates a magical scene within. Inside this ethereal creature, a collection of mystical items float serenely: ancient spell books with intricate covers and glowing potions in variously shaped bottles, each emitting a soft luminescence. These items, suspended in the creature's body, hint at its unique ability to duplicate anything it holds. The backdrop is a mystical forest clearing, where the natural and supernatural blend seamlessly.

This took me like 2 minutes to make and its called a Glimmergleam.

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