Welcome to Thera (Writing 3)

The year is 3024. Nature appears to have overtaken all major cities, however, it is an elaborate illusion created by artificial intelligence. What appears to be plant life is really an interconnected series of AI networks that mimic plant life and even produce oxygen. Trees are actually antennas designed for interstellar communication. Thick vines carry information along the ground and connect one building to the next.

The climate has leveled out and humanity is no longer in a climate change crisis. Icebergs have reformed, volcanic activity is no longer peaking, and the oceans are free of pollution. This world appears utopian.

Humanity now lives in symbiosis with AI. Money is non-existent, due to the abundance of resources. Food is available to all. Every citizen has a home.

Many cultures have retained their unique practices and cultural diversity is celebrated across the globe. Preparing and eating food remains a means of connection and sharing.

Space travel has long been a means of expanding society. Assisted by AI, humans can travel to any habitable planet in the Milky Way galaxy. Mars has been terraformed and now has its own atmosphere capable of sustaining human life.

Luna, or Earth’s moon, is now a prison. Anyone deemed a threat to the peace of Earth is shipped off-planet to Luna. It is a dark and dismal life on Luna, where prisoners mine for precious resources that fuel society’s AI.

The most precious resources come from Saturn’s moons. Far better living conditions exist there for the prisoners compared to Luna, and the nanoparticles they mine are consumed by the AI.
Most humans have no memory of a time before AI. However, vast libraries house electronic copies of all historical documents in the form of immersive images and audio accessible via VR.

I will use the structure of this world to create a GPT that tells the story of Dr. Elia Mereilles who makes a discovery that could shatter the balance of their symbiotic AI-infused world.

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