Visual Exercise #1

When creating my images with DALL-E I went into it with a theme in mind. I wanted to focus on the intersection of technology and nature through the use of surreal imagery, as well as the use of juxtaposition. The idea was to Incorporate surreal elements that defy logic but provoke thought. However, I was struggling to come up with prompts for the imagery. I had some basic ideas, but nothing that went into depth. That’s when I went to the GPT that I created and started rifting with the GPT to help solidify my ideas, and to create prompts that DALL-E could use in order to produce what I was looking for. Being able to use the GPT that I created was extremely helpful. Being able to bounce ideas off of it and also take the suggestions it provided, then twisting and editing them to come up with something new altogether.


The inspiration behind my theme was how fast technology has been advancing and how much faster it will advance in the future. I fear that technology will eventually become more important than the natural world itself, and people will continue to harm the world’s ecosystem to further enhance technology. This is when I explored the idea of a mixture of technology and nature. 


Through this exercise, I found that Chat-GPT can help pull forward the ideas that are locked in your head by just having a creative conversation. It might provide some poor ideas, but then spark a new thought at the same time. I found speaking with my GPT to be very useful with moving forward with this exercise. It reinforces the thought that Chat-GPT can be used as a creative tool that helps explore your own thoughts. For me it feels like a responsive journal where you can insert your thoughts and ideas, then get instant feedback to help progress your thoughts and ideas forward.

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