Writing Exercise #3 Fictional AI World Prompt for a GPT

For my AI world I wanted to mix a bunch of concepts that I have read or seen from books and movies. The general concept is that humans and AI now live in harmony. The Government has been replaced by a single high functional AI and Earth is a utopia.

The era is 3040 but the AI has maintained the nostalgic theme of the 2000’s with some exceptions with technology such as taxis being all eclectic and all automated.

The AI in charge, the Governance Intelligence Network or GIN for short has cleaned up after humanity and has restored the earth. There is no pollution, the polar ice caps have been restored, the rainforest has been brought back, there is no global warming. The Earth is in perfect balance. There is also a giant ring around the planet that works as a space station.

World hunger no longer exists. Technology has produced highly notorious pills that can be taken once a day. Food is still eaten and made but only for enrichment and enjoyment. With the guidance of AI new foods have been made like a chocolate lava cake that is actually made out of lava.

All cultures of the previous eras have been maintained with some new cultures and religions being developed with technology. Interested in rocks? Why not join the new religion of monks who practice becoming one with the earth by eating rocks?

With GIN the economy has moved into a system meets the needs of all of its citizens. All goods and services are provided, with currency given to citizen for things they want not what they need.

All education is free and is only mandatory up until a high school diploma. All educators are AI that specialize in their own field and all learning is done one on one.

The one uniqueness that I added was a legacy system that allows people to upload their minds into a network so friends and families could speak to them for guidance or wisdom.

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