Writing Exercise #3 – Synthetica, A Fictional AI World

  • Era and Setting: The year is 2345. Humanity lives in a world far removed from anything we can conceptualize today. Artificial intelligence is no longer a part of life, but the creator and ruler of life and the world. The world is a global civilization now under one name, Synthetica. Synthetica has existed for the last 150 years.
  • Environment: The climate is completely controlled by AI systems. This is to ensure optimal weather conditions for food production, as well as the need to sustain life. Rain, snow and wind are all controlled by AI systems as well. Humanity has been condensed into sprawling mega-cities that lay above lush, genetically engineered forests. Deserts have been transformed into solar energy farms and are maintained and built by AI systems.
  • Food and Culture: The cuisine is a blend of traditional flavors and futuristic nutrition that the AI systems deemed important for human survival. Food production is heavily reliant on vertical farming, as well as lab-grown meats as traditional farming practices have been deemed damaging to the global ecosystem. Food is usually in the form of paste that is stored in an eco-friendly container, however for festivities that are celebrated by humans and AI, solid foods are provided as a form to remember where humanity has come from. Humans and AI focus on collaborating in arts that reflect the deep integration of technology in everyday life, as well as reveling in the past mistakes made by human society. 
  • Economy: The economy is based on both a barter system, as well as a digital currency, managed by AI to ensure fairness. Key resources include renewable energy, rare minerals for creating new technologies, and more. Each mega-city focuses on certain key resources and distributes evenly to cities that are in need of said resources.
  • Religion and Education: Religion has become a thing of the past, as human-AI synergy has become the main focus of society. Humans are encouraged by AI systems to focus on meditation and connectivity with the digital realm. Heaven and hell are no longer a thing as human consciousness has been able to be uploaded to the AI systems, where people after death are able to exist within the system and to provide help to the AI systems. The human consciousness also has a choice as to when they want to be deleted from the system. Education is personalized and dynamic depending on the individual’s interests, skills and needs for harmony within society. AI systems mentor and guide individuals through their educational years. The educational years are from age 4 to 16 as human learning speed has been increased due to AI technology.
  • Technology: Some technology includes things like AI companions in the form of animals. The AI companions understand individual emotions and what is needed. These companions also connect humans directly with the digital world. All technology is designed to enhance human potential and overall well-being.
  • Uniqueness: It’s a world where humanity has transcended fear and suspicion of AI, embracing it as a partner in crafting a better future. AI in Synthetica is not a tool or a servant but a collaborator, contributing creatively and intellectually to society. This symbiosis has unleashed unprecedented levels of creativity, innovation, and understanding, propelling Synthetica into a new era of prosperity and harmony.

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