Blog Post 2/16 – Trystahn Turner

What are your thoughts on the risks and opportunities of AI Cinema? What do these tools mean for the future of Hollywood entertainment and for independent artists working in the industry? 


AI is a very powerful tool which can cut out hours of work in all aspects of Cinematography. That power, although helpful to the industry, can and likely will result in many people losing their jobs. I believe that will be a temporary issue though, because although AI is very powerful it cannot replicate the human mind. There isn’t human thought or emotion behind the AI’s actions and until we are able to fully replicate a human brain in a AI that issue will remain the same.

The various ways in which people think, communicate, and interact are all too independent to be replicated consistently. Those same people who lost their jobs to AI will likely use it to create their own independent content. AI will become an industry standard tool which everyone around the world will use to create new media.

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