Blog Post: A Fictional World

These three artworks are so interesting, I wish I could create a series of whimsical illustrations like the Codex Seraphinianus. I admire Luigi Serafini’s perseverance in making this book and the extraordinary ideas he shows without the help of artificial intelligence. I’m also impressed by The Visual Dome. Dome seems to master the capabilities and logical language of AI, combining artistic aesthetics, his design thinking, and AI technology proficiency in visual creation. Additionally, I am in awe of Alejandro Jodorowsky’s boundless imagination in his films.

I plan to draw inspiration from utopias and real life to build a fictional world where culture and technology merge seamlessly. An unconventional perspective, as described by Jodorowsky’s Dune. I will articulate my vision to the AI and have it generate visual renderings that align with my ideas and aesthetics. For text, I intend to write short storylines and use AI to expand these scenes’ descriptions, akin to how Serafini created narratives in unknown languages. I aim for my stories to be both visually and textually compelling, encouraging readers to explore this world. I may also use AI to create a map to further develop the story.

My first step is to research and gather inspiration. In addition to learning from the three works mentioned above, I will explore more materials to broaden my horizons. Next, I’ll define my vision for the virtual world, specifying the content and themes I aim to create. I’ll then use AI to generate both text and visual imagery. This step, I will test repeatedly in AI until I achieve the visual effect I want. The theme I want to study may be a future utopian world in which nature, technology, and alien species are intertwined, a symbiotic relationship and a conflict-free society. I also like the mysterious world where strange creatures and humans coexist.

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