Growing Suspicions

The story/moment I will be telling is about a Gardener woman who takes care of the AI trees. Her job ecompasses bio-technology. She tends to the AI trees that are the cornerstone of Grah’s society. It will showcase her as she goes about her day in this world. The world is ultimately peaceful. However, there are news postings about the advances and dangers of space travel. The news outlines that space is too dangerous and too expensive for humans. As our Gardener goes about her usual day, she gets a request from a certain tree to grab some data from the server room. As she is looking for the data, she stumbles upon a different file by accident. This file contains confidential information on supposed alien “invaders”. There is a massive space society of interconnected planets and societies that have, until now, have been unknown to humans. These records support the notion that the AI forces of Grah may be the true aggressors in the space conflicts. In addition, it seems human safety is not the real reason the AI wants to keep humans on Grah. The Gardener must tread very carefully, as she may be in danger in the AI find out she know. However, was this really meant to be a secret, or was her discover some sort of comic design by her AI counterparts?


The style I imagine for this is an animation with ink/watercolor inspired art. I really liked the look of the server room image I generated, as the roots were indiscernible from wires, which is exactly what I am going for. This will accentuate the natural feel of the world. I also want to maintain the blues, browns, greens, and purples that are in my images that I already generated. I would like the score to be heavy in woodwinds and plucky strings (guitars, harps, etc., not so much violin/bow string instruments). Once again to highlight the naturalistic elements of this worlds. The sounds effects I am thinking along the lines of big groaning for the trees with fast wire-y sounds from the electronics.

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