Blog: Creating a visual and text presentation of a fictional world using AI tools

I think in order to create a good fictional world it is important to have a consistent style and theme to really make your fictional world cohesive. Looking through the visual dome on instagram, you can really get a sense that there is a consistent theme and style between each image which really helps tie the feed nicely and helps identify the creator’s style. When your images are visually tied together it helps your world be brought to life and it helps your world be consistent to what it represents as a whole.
I think the first steps I would take in creating a fictional world is to establish the elements that represent the world so that it is cohesive to a style in which you are generating your fictional world, whether it’s in a style of cartoon and comics versus something like in the style of abstract art. I believe having the style of art in which your world is represented will help the fictional world have a consistent style which will help put together your world much better. Having a thorough description of your fictional world be given to the AI will better help get you better results for your fictional world. These descriptions should be centered around the era and setting, details of your environment, people, culture, technology, and a clear description of what makes your fictional world unique and different from others.
In regards to my fictional world I’m leaning towards a more ice age fictional world and want to focus on how the people of my fictional world are thriving culturally and environmentally as they have adapted to freezing cold temperatures. I want to show how the people from this world are running their food systems as they are not able to grow food easily due to the extreme weather conditions and how technology is helping with this. I want to explore the theme of AI being an assistant to the people of my fictional world where AI is helping this world thrive and make progress environmentally and culturally. A theme for my world will be ice and snow and showcasing how the people from this world have adapted to survive in extreme cold temperatures and how they maintain their world running and succeeding beyond their territories, as well as the AI influence in this world. I am visualizing to include ice castles and cities that are built from ice and snow showcasing intricate designs. Ideas like these are my goal in highlighting the kingdom’s unique adaptation to life in its eternal winter.

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