Blog 7 – Thoughts about AI Coding

I recently designed a website for my web design class, so for the GPT exercise I decided to ask the GPT to create a website similar to mine so that I could directly compare what the GPT could do vs. what I could do. All the GPT could create was extremely basic structures with very bland designs. Nothing compared to my design. I specifically included language that I felt described my own website design such as the word “colorful” and “simple”.

Here is the comparison:

      AI generated HTML

             My HTML design

While the website it made was very boring and not useful in itself, I feel that AI can be very useful with mundane and tedious coding that can greatly speed along project times for software, games, apps, and web developments. I believe AI can also proofread your code to catch any mistakes to prevent any bugs before projects go live. While I feel that AI can be useful for project development speed, I am concerned that those who do not know how to use AI will have a harder time competing with those who do. Since simple coding can be generated, those who are skillful in doing it by hand may not be as sought for compared to those who can develop all their code within minutes using AI. I recently saw an ad for an AI code generating app that advertised how a worker left work early because they finished their project compared to her colleague who was not done yet and still working. As we have seen layoffs because of companies using AI for writing, editing, and translation, there will also be layoffs due to companies using AI for coding. And because coding isn’t a personal talent that belongs to someone, there probably won’t be as many restrictions for using AI for coding as there will be for using AI for voice generation or writing.

I personally am interested in a career in web development, however I feel that in order to be “better than” or more appealing to employers I need to learn how to use AI to my advantage to outperform those who I will be competing with in the job market.

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