Blog Summary of Visual #3 Ideas

The moment in time that I want to capture for visual #3 is the school that children and teens go to once a day in my world, “Ecliptix.” To give some context and backstory, the school that kids attend is only held once a year, and all the information that they need is essentially uploaded into their brains over the course of about 8 hours. This is done once a year instead of all at once to allow the kids to absorb the information and not feel overwhelmed. Human kids have the ability to learn this way as well because of a chip that is inserted into their brains at birth. They basically go into a type of hibernation to allow for the information to be absorbed without having to take breaks to use the bathroom or eat.

In the first shot, I want to show the kids sitting down at their desks in their school uniforms, hooked up through wires from their heads to their teacher at the front of the classroom. The room has a sterile, almost hospital-like feeling and is white and gray in color. The shot will be from behind the students, and they will face forward toward their teacher. The teacher is a robot/AI woman standing in front of an all-glass wall that shows views of downtown Ecliptix. Next, I’d like to show the students “falling asleep” or into their trance-like state to begin the upload. Each shot will then look similar, with the city outside behind the glass wall changing. The lighting will gradually go from bright and early morning sunshine to a sunset. Cars will be flying around, people will be walking on the streets, and life will seemingly go on outside of the school while these kids are “learning.” I think it would also be cool to show the kids walking out of the classroom at the end, or to show them unhooking from the wires and leaving the school.

I’d like the visual style for this project to mirror that of my previous visual story. A similar art style, color palette, and overall mood and tone for each shot will be used. The soundtrack will not include voices, as I want the viewer to experience what it would be like for one of us to be in Ecliptix (since everyone there no longer communicates verbally due to evolution).  I want there to be some sound effects, such as the humming of electricity or the distant sound of the busy streets, heard from within the classroom. The background music will be ambient for the most part, and I’d like it to give the viewer/listener a slight feeling of unease.

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