Visual Art Series #2 — Visual Narratives from a Fictional World

Reflective statement: Write a brief post along with the slideshow discussing your creative process, the challenges of maintaining consistency, and how you used AI tools to generate and refine your world and its visual representation.

For this project I really tried to hone in the custom GPT that we utilized to take a lot of the legwork out of generating prompts and images. Through modifying the instructions, I set the parameters and scope of the world in a brief description of the overall premise of the world, explicit instruction and detail related to the aesthetic and scenery, and finally specifics on the overall art-style and rendering to increase consistency.

Images where uploaded as well to serve as reference images and a diverse color palette was established by region on the island that became the realm of this universe.

As mentioned in the reflective statement prompt, it was definitely an ordeal to keep the GPT on topic and producing images from a consistent universe. Constant reminders and new references were needed and I found that showing it images that it had just generated for reference for each consecutive new image proved very beneficial for enhancing consistency.
It is definitely vital to have clear and concise instructions already built into the GPT as well, long flowing conversations are quick to lose the required specificity needed in order to generate consistent imagery, especially with characters.
However, I found that scenery and landscapes were easier to produce consistently over a long period of time.
Limitations to the amount of prompts per hour also led me to find that you can open several windows of the same GPT at once in order to extend the amount of prompts you can use and work on several tasks at the same time to reduce wait time during generation.

While I am not completely satisfied with my project as a whole, the scenery and landscape seemed to fit rather cohesively even though the character models showed slight variations in cell-shading and art style.

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