Visual 3

Previous to this project I hadn’t worked with AI sound or videos so it was a learning experience going into this project. Starting this I knew I wanted to make a creation story because I knew it would we very interesting and not have characters which I think would be more difficult to work with in a way I wanted. When I was making imagery with Chat GPT I struggled more than I thought I would to get depictions of space, the generated images didn’t have much consistency in the style and I had to use specific language to edit them. Specifying a color scheme to follow after, correcting the the lighting or environment something was in.

When it came to using Runway for making the videos I didn’t know have a set plan but I began to think about sci-fi movies and how they set up stories like this and tried to follow a similar style. With things like panning and zooming in shots although there was a lot of trail and error doing this because many of the videos would have pieces moving be out of place. As for the sound I found I wanted the narrator to sound concise and calm like how someone in my fictional planet would and I think the voice I used captured it perfectly. Including the soothing soundtrack that I created to sound ambient fit nicely.

  • A small note the quality of the video appears a bit poor on Youtube after exporting it a 720p.

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