AI and Coding Blog Prompt

Here is my website made by Chat GPT.

After completing the exercise for generating an HTML file using Chat GPT, I see now that not much will change. Sure, AI will make coding easier for both beginners and advanced users and save time but all users need to understand how coding works. People who create HTMLs through AI still need to learn the fundamentals of good web design and structure if they plan on actually posting the HTML. AI can definitely help but it can mostly export a basic generation because the AI cannot think the same way a human can come up with a complex plan of executing a website. If someone doesn’t know what they are doing, it will be incredibly easy to mess up.

This will make game, web and app development easier but it will not do the thinking for you. It is an amazing way to assist with projects but never assume that the work will be creative.

I am worried that there will be many more basic or poorly designed websites due to coding being more easier to access from people who couldn’t bother learning to code themselves. I fear for the dip in quality and effort. I am hoping that this will help inspire people to get into coding and learn for themselves now that the barrier for entry has been somewhat lifted now that AI can get the basics down.

I do not plan on using coding as a profession but this will help me put more time into learning how to code as a hobby. I have a series I am creating called “Void-Theta” and it would be really nice to at least have a page for myself to act as a “wiki” for the stories and characters involved. I want to be able to see the fruits of my labor in the medium of a web page.

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