Visual #3 – Video

During the process of creating an AI generated video, out of AI generated images, I experienced both frustration and enjoyment out of the whole process. I found it to be frustrating when trying to get the video to do what I wanted or needed it to do at times. For example, when trying to make figures walk, it would constantly morph and distort the figures, or turn them in the opposite direction, making the figures walk away. Some of the enjoyment came from when generating a video did something that was unexpected or was just overall visually pleasing. I also found it easy to have AI voice generation to be simpler than recording your own voice, as it is a one take process. Making the background music for the video was also fun as it is always interesting what AI music generators will spit out. Overall, the process of creating this video was new, fun and sometimes frustrating. It is something that I will try and delve more into in the future.

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