AI Games

I’m not super interested in super gravity-physics based or story based games for this project. I like the idea of puzzle games. In that, they require you to figure out a puzzle using the mechanics of the game. Even simple sudoku type games interest me. I think the opportunity for more generative-based approaches might be interesting in this regard. I would most definitely be a coder in this scenario, as I have some experience in program design with my degree/minor. Games that require a lot of collision detection and\or physics stress me out a little bit because they can get blown up very easily, but I am open to most ideas. In addition, I would find it hard to make a branching story game interesting without having the persistent temptation to go over the top very quickly.


As I am turning in the blog post late, I can also give an update on the game progress so far. It’s going very well, and I am very impressed with what we have put together. On ChatGPT’s coding abilities, it made a product that worked, but it missed the mark style-wise on a few things. One example of this is that I created an abstract class for the falling objects that hit the player, and then I created two types of falling objects that implement the abstract class. However, since we wanted certain aspects of the game to behave differently based on the type of falling object, that means that information has to be changed in methods of the classes themselves, and ChatGPT put them in the game loop. This is a very small example of one of ChatGPT’s big issues. It doesn’t always produce elegant and scalable code.

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